123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- # This is the common irbrc file used by all rvm ruby installations.
- # This file will be overriden every time you update rvm.
- # Calculate the ruby string.
- rvm_ruby_string = ENV["rvm_ruby_string"] ||
- (
- ENV['GEM_HOME'] &&
- ( path = ( File.realpath(ENV['GEM_HOME'].to_s) rescue nil ) ) &&
- ( path = $1 if path =~ /(.+)\/$/ ; true ) &&
- String(String(path).split(/\//).last).split(/@/).first
- ) ||
- ("#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" rescue nil) ||
- (RUBY_DESCRIPTION.split(" ")[1].sub('p', '-p') rescue nil ) ||
- (`ruby -v` || '').split(" ")[1].sub('p', '-p')
- # cut ruby- ... everyone knows it's ruby
- rvm_ruby_string = $1 if rvm_ruby_string =~ /^ruby[- ](.*)/
- # Set up the prompt to be RVM specific.
- @prompt = {
- :PROMPT_I => "#{rvm_ruby_string} :%03n > ", # default prompt
- :PROMPT_S => "#{rvm_ruby_string} :%03n%l> ", # known continuation
- :PROMPT_C => "#{rvm_ruby_string} :%03n > ",
- :PROMPT_N => "#{rvm_ruby_string} :%03n?> ", # unknown continuation
- :RETURN => " => %s \n",
- :AUTO_INDENT => true
- }
- IRB.conf[:PROMPT] ||= {}
- IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:RVM] = @prompt
- require "irb/completion" rescue nil
- IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 100
- IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".irb-history")
- # Load the user's irbrc file, if possible.
- # Report any errors that occur.
- begin
- load File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".irbrc") if File.exist?("#{ENV["HOME"]}/.irbrc")
- rescue LoadError => load_error
- puts load_error
- rescue => exception
- puts "Error : 'load #{ENV["HOME"]}/.irbrc' : #{exception.message}"
- end