123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- __rvm_md5_for_contents()
- {
- if builtin command -v md5 > /dev/null
- then md5 | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- elif builtin command -v md5sum > /dev/null
- then md5sum | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- elif builtin command -v openssl > /dev/null
- then openssl md5 | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- else return 1
- fi
- true # for osx
- }
- __rvm_sha256_for_contents()
- {
- if builtin command -v sha256sum > /dev/null
- then sha256sum | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- elif builtin command -v sha256 > /dev/null
- then sha256 | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- elif builtin command -v shasum > /dev/null
- then shasum -a256 | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- elif builtin command -v openssl > /dev/null
- then openssl sha -sha256 | __rvm_awk '{print $1}'
- else return 1
- fi
- true # for osx
- }
- __rvm_checksum_for_contents()
- {
- \typeset __sum
- __sum=$( echo "$1" | \command \cat - "$1" | __rvm_md5_for_contents ) ||
- {
- rvm_error "Neither md5 nor md5sum were found in the PATH"
- return 1
- }
- __sum+=$( echo "$1" | \command \cat - "$1" | __rvm_sha256_for_contents ) ||
- {
- rvm_error "Neither sha256sum nor shasum found in the PATH"
- return 1
- }
- echo ${__sum}
- }
- __rvm_rvmrc_key()
- {
- printf "%b" "$1" | \command \tr '[#/.=()]' _
- return $?
- }
- __rvm_reset_rvmrc_trust()
- {
- if [[ "$1" == all ]]
- then
- echo "" > "${rvm_user_path:-${rvm_path}/user}/rvmrcs"
- else
- __rvm_db_ "${rvm_user_path:-${rvm_path}/user}/rvmrcs" "$(__rvm_rvmrc_key "$1")" "delete" >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- }
- __rvm_trust_rvmrc()
- {
- [[ -f "$1" ]] || return 1
- __rvm_reset_rvmrc_trust "$1"
- __rvm_db_ "${rvm_user_path:-${rvm_path}/user}/rvmrcs" "$(__rvm_rvmrc_key "$1")" "1;$(__rvm_checksum_for_contents "$1")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
- return $?
- }
- __rvm_untrust_rvmrc()
- {
- [[ -f "$1" ]] || return 1
- __rvm_reset_rvmrc_trust "$1"
- __rvm_db_ "${rvm_user_path:-${rvm_path}/user}/rvmrcs" "$(__rvm_rvmrc_key "$1")" "0;$(__rvm_checksum_for_contents "$1")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
- return $?
- }
- __rvm_rvmrc_stored_trust()
- {
- [[ -f "$1" ]] || return 1
- __rvm_db_ "${rvm_user_path:-${rvm_path}/user}/rvmrcs" "$(__rvm_rvmrc_key "$1")" ||
- return $?
- }
- __rvm_rvmrc_stored_trust_check()
- {
- \typeset _first _second _rvmrc _rvmrc_base
- if [[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]]
- then _first=1
- else _first=0
- fi
- _second=$(( _first + 1 ))
- _rvmrc="${1}"
- _rvmrc_base="$(basename "${_rvmrc}")"
- if [[ -f "$_rvmrc" ]]
- then
- saveIFS=$IFS
- IFS=$';'
- trust=($(__rvm_rvmrc_stored_trust "$_rvmrc"))
- IFS=$saveIFS
- if
- [[ "${trust[${_second}]:-'#'}" != "$(__rvm_checksum_for_contents "$_rvmrc")" ]]
- then
- echo "The '$_rvmrc' contains unreviewed changes."
- return 1
- elif
- [[ "${trust[${_first}]}" == '1' ]]
- then
- echo "The '$_rvmrc' is currently trusted."
- return 0
- elif
- [[ "${trust[${_first}]}" == '0' ]]
- then
- echo "The '$_rvmrc' is currently untrusted."
- return 1
- else
- echo "The trustiworthiness of '$_rvmrc' is currently unknown."
- return 1
- fi
- else
- echo "There is no '$_rvmrc'"
- return 1
- fi
- }
- __rvm_check_rvmrc_trustworthiness()
- {
- # Trust when they have the flag... of doom!
- (( ${rvm_trust_rvmrcs_flag:-0} == 0 )) || return 0
- # Fail if no file given or no extra params
- [[ -n "$1" ]] || (( $# > 1 )) || return 1
- \typeset _first _second saveIFS
- if [[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]]
- then _first=1
- else _first=0
- fi
- _second=$(( _first + 1 ))
- saveIFS="$IFS"
- IFS=$';'
- \typeset -a trust
- trust=( $( __rvm_rvmrc_stored_trust "$1" ) )
- IFS="$saveIFS"
- if
- [[ "${trust[${_second}]:-'#'}" == "$(__rvm_checksum_for_contents "$1")" ]]
- then
- [[ "${trust[${_first}]}" == '1' ]] || return $?
- else
- __rvm_ask_to_trust "$@" || return $?
- fi
- true
- }
- __rvm_display_rvmrc()
- {
- __rvm_file_notice_display_pre
- __rvm_wait_anykey "(( press a key to review the ${_rvmrc_base} file ))"
- printf "%b" "${rvm_warn_clr}"
- command cat -v "${_rvmrc}"
- printf "%b" "${rvm_reset_clr}"
- __rvm_file_notice_display_post
- }
- __rvm_ask_to_trust()
- {
- \typeset trusted value anykey _rvmrc _rvmrc_base
- _rvmrc="${1}"
- _rvmrc_base="$(basename "${_rvmrc}")"
- if [[ ! -t 0 || -n "$MC_SID" ]] || (( ${rvm_promptless:=0} == 1 ))
- then return 2
- fi
- __rvm_file_notice_initial
- trusted=0
- while (( ! trusted ))
- do
- printf "%b" 'y[es], n[o], v[iew], c[ancel]> '
- builtin read response
- value="$(echo -n "${response}" | \command \tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]' | __rvm_strip)"
- case "${value:-n}" in
- v|view)
- __rvm_display_rvmrc
- ;;
- y|yes)
- trusted=1
- ;;
- n|no)
- break
- ;;
- c|cancel)
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if (( trusted ))
- then
- __rvm_trust_rvmrc "$1"
- return 0
- else
- __rvm_untrust_rvmrc "$1"
- return 1
- fi
- }
- __rvm_file_notice_initial()
- {
- case "${_rvmrc}" in
- (*/.rvmrc) __rvm_rvmrc_notice_initial ;;
- (*) __rvm_env_file_notice_initial ;;
- esac
- }
- __rvm_rvmrc_notice_initial()
- {
- __rvm_table "NOTICE" <<-TEXT
- RVM has encountered a new or modified ${_rvmrc_base} file in the current directory, this is a shell script and therefore may contain any shell commands.
- Examine the contents of this file carefully to be sure the contents are safe before trusting it!
- Do you wish to trust '${_rvmrc}'?
- Choose v[iew] below to view the contents
- }
- __rvm_env_file_notice_initial()
- {
- __rvm_table "NOTICE" <<-TEXT
- RVM has encountered a new or modified ${_rvmrc_base} file in the current directory, environment variables from this file will be exported and therefore may influence your shell.
- Examine the contents of this file carefully to be sure the contents are safe before trusting it!
- Do you wish to trust '${_rvmrc}'?
- Choose v[iew] below to view the contents
- }
- __rvm_file_notice_display_pre()
- {
- __rvm_table <<-TEXT
- The contents of the ${_rvmrc_base} file will now be displayed.
- After reading the file, you will be prompted again for 'yes or no' to set the trust level for this particular version of the file.
- Note: You will be re-prompted each time the ${_rvmrc_base} file's contents change
- changes, and may change the trust setting manually at any time.
- }
- __rvm_file_notice_display_post()
- {
- case "${_rvmrc}" in
- (*/.rvmrc) __rvm_rvmrc_notice_display_post ;;
- (*) __rvm_env_file_notice_display_post ;;
- esac
- }
- __rvm_rvmrc_notice_display_post()
- {
- __rvm_table "Viewing of ${_rvmrc} complete." <<-TEXT
- Trusting an ${_rvmrc_base} file means that whenever you cd into this directory, RVM will run this ${_rvmrc_base} shell script.
- Note that if the contents of the file change, you will be re-prompted to review the file and adjust its trust settings. You may also change the trust settings manually at any time with the 'rvm rvmrc' command.
- }
- __rvm_env_file_notice_display_post()
- {
- __rvm_table "Viewing of ${_rvmrc} complete." <<-TEXT
- Trusting an ${_rvmrc_base} file means that whenever you cd into this directory, RVM will export environment variables from ${_rvmrc_base}.
- Note that if the contents of the file change, you will be re-prompted to review the file and adjust its trust settings. You may also change the trust settings manually at any time with the 'rvm rvmrc' command.
- }