811 B


rvm gemset [action]
rvm --force gemset [action]


copy, create, delete, dir, empty, export, gemdir, globalcache, import, install, list, list_all, name, pristine, rename, unpack, update, use


Commands for working with and manipulating gemsets within RVM.

Any command is run in context of current ruby/gemset; call 'rvm current' to find out which is currently used.

Note that 'system' supports only exporting/importing gems.


If you do not want to use gemsets and want to ignore them you can use command line flag --ignore-gemsets:

rvm use 1.9.3@my_project --ignore-gemsets

it will ignore @my_project and @global - only default gemset will be set.

It can be persisted with:

echo "export rvm_ignore_gemsets_flag=1" >> ~/.rvmrc