Add/Remove ruby variables to cron:
rvm cron {setup|remove}
Manage rvm on single command level
rvm cron command <"schedule">
Example 1 set one ruby for all cron jobs:
cd /project/dir # go to project dir, or `rvm use ...`
rvm cron setup # initialize cron with ruby settings
crontab -e # add tasks to cron
After project ruby changes:
rvm cron setup # update cron with new ruby settings
Example 2 add single job using current dir for rvm:
cd /project/dir # go to project dir, or `rvm use ...`
rvm cron command "@daily" rake calculate:stats
Refer to man 5 crontab
for definitions of time/date, examples:
"*/5 * * * *" - Every 5 minutes
"@hourly" - Once an hour
"* */4 * * *" - Every 4 hours
"0 6 * * *" - Everyday at 6am
"0 7 * * 5" - Every Friday at 7am
NOTE! Do not forget to set notification email in crontab -e