Alias RVM allows you to alias your rubies for your convenience and pleasure. Usage rvm [options] alias source destination Source and Destination must be an RVM ruby string representing an RVM installed ruby. A gemset may be optionally included. Creating Aliases First select an RVM ruby. $ rvm alias create php ree-1.8.7-p2010.01 Using Aliases Now that you have created an alias, you can use the alias in place of the longer rvm selector string. $ rvm use php $ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [i686-darwin10.3.0], MBARI 0x6770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2010.01 If you use any aliases that are rather funny, please hop in #rvm and let us know :) Deleting Aliases If you wish to delete an alias $ rvm alias delete dotnet Listing Aliases You can also list all current aliases $ rvm alias list php => ree-1.8.7-p2010.01 lisp => maglev-head python => rbx-head Managing Generic Ruby Versions You can use aliases to set a specific ruby patchlevel for a generic ruby version. This is useful if you have upgraded RVM and can no longer switch to the requested ruby. For example, if your project specifies `ruby-1.9.3@my-project` you can do this: $ cd my-project/ ruby-1.9.3-p448 is not installed. To install do: 'rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p448' $ rvm alias create ruby-1.9.3 ruby-1.9.3-p429 Creating alias ruby-1.9.3 for ruby-1.9.3-p429. Recording alias ruby-1.9.3 for ruby-1.9.3-p429. $ cd . $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15 revision 40747) [x86_64-linux] Documentation: