Localizable.strings 2.2 KB

  1. /*
  2. Localizable.strings
  3. XenonSDK
  4. Created by fq on 2021/5/19.
  5. Copyright © 2021 SAGESSE. All rights reserved.
  6. */
  7. "select_user_privacy_protocol" = "Please check User Privacy Agreement";
  8. "please_enter_account" = "Enter account";
  9. "please_enter_pwd" = "Enter password";
  10. "please_login_first" = "Please login first";
  11. "pay_success" = "Payment successful";
  12. "pay_fail" = "Payment failed";
  13. "apple_login_authorization_ErrorUnknown" = "Unknown error in Apple Login Authorization Request";
  14. "apple_login_authorization_ErrorCanceled" = "Apple Login Authorization Request is canceled";
  15. "apple_login_authorization_ErrorInvalidResponse" = "Invalid response for Apple Login Authorization Request";
  16. "apple_login_authorization_ErrorNotHandled" = "Apple Login Authorization Request is not processed";
  17. "apple_login_authorization_ErrorFailed" = "Apple Login Authorization Request is rejected";
  18. "please_input_new_pwd" = "Enter new password";
  19. "please_again_input_new_pwd" = "Repeat new password";
  20. "second_input_pwd_diff" = "The two passwords don't match";
  21. "pwd_change_success" = "Password changed successfully";
  22. "please_init_first" = "Please initialize first";
  23. "service_error_please_connnect_service_phone" = "Dear player, the server is now under urgent maintenance and can't be accessed. We're deeply sorry for the inconvenience!\For any questions, please feel free to contact us!\\CS QQ: %@\CS Hotline";
  24. "params_error" = "Parameter error";
  25. "purchase_success" = "Purchase successful";
  26. "purchase_failed" = "Purchase failed";
  27. "service_error" = "Server error";
  28. "order_check_failed" = "Order verification failed";
  29. "device_no_support_applepayment" = "This device doesn't support in-app purchase";
  30. "copy_success" = "Copied to clipboard";
  31. "no_install_facebook_app" = "Facebook App not installed";
  32. "function_developing" = "Feature under development";
  33. "product_no_use_check_apple_develop" = "The product is not available. Please check your IOS Backend";
  34. "order_no_find" = "Order not found";
  35. "bill_lose" = "Invoice lost";
  36. "product_no_find_check_develop" = "Product not found. Please check the backend";
  37. "login_success" = "Login successful";
  38. "welecome_join_game" = "Welcome to the game";
  39. "your_game_account" = "Game account is";
  40. "your_game_pwd" = "Game password is";